Saturday, January 16, 2021

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Jan 16, 21 From Valront: Minor string changes in identify info for bound objects and god loaded objects, you likely won't notice the difference. Added helpful reminder to check help files when putting your first practice in a skill/spell. Added color to various "You need to know 'x' to learn that." strings. Changed Shards from damage type pierce to damage type slice. Added hint strings for all non-obscure mage spells/skills up to level 15. Added framework for hint strings when learning new skills/spells for the first time. This is only on a few select mage skills/spells for now, but will be added to more with time. From Mutt: Restores now refill the hp/mana/move of player controlled minions. Increase level scaling on default 'alu' mode of mage channel casting. Reduced blood tap bottling cost to 25 gold and increased timer duration. Removed extra soulstone string from skeletal knight and skeletal lich. Added using soulstone string to bone dragon. Added destruction room string inside bone fortress prior to player ejection. Removed color highlight from shadow bind information in monster lore. Adjusted regen on cleric petitioned minions to standard values. Remove player name "are you sure" requirement when casting bone fortress. This should make it easier to emergency cast bone fortress, when you need it immediately and a parser fail would kill you.

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