Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Alter Aeon

Our Thanksgiving event has begun! Log in now to try out the turkey shoot!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 18, 23:

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 18, 23:

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 12, 23:

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 11, 23:

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 08, 23:

Monday, November 6, 2023

Alter Aeon

The Realm of Hades, Asphodel Meadow, is now open! This level 45 area is accessible via the City of Fonts.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Alter Aeon November 2023 Update

We have recently concluded this year’s wildly popular and successful Halloween Havoc event. Alter Aeon’s next game event will be Thanksgiving, which will start on Wednesday, November 22nd and end the following Monday, November 27th. Veteran world builders Draak and Morpheus will be re-opening the corn maze and carnival for the duration, as well as reintroducing a more streamlined version of the turkey shoot. There will also be turkey-themed pk mob arenas available for players. Event quests will be accessible to players of all levels, both new and old alike, so even if you just started you will be able to participate in the event! The object composition update is fully transitioned now, and we are working on manually setting objects that didn’t automatically update to the new system with appropriate compositions. Many changes were added alongside the composition update, which include: - The ability to add inlays to jewelry after mounting a gemstone. - You can gather now flowers, giving characters without the ‘plant lore’ skill a limited but reliable source of herbs. Flower job-givers are being added to the starting islands and in several other places around the game world. - If you know the ‘beadmaking’ skill, you can now inlay with wood, and if you know the ‘saw lumber’ skill, you can saw up certain kinds of wooden objects to use as raw materials for woodcrafting. - Any unwearable item (that meets certain criteria) made from lapidary stone can be used for lapidary work, similar to how any metal TREASURE-type object can be used for forging. - Tailoring jobs now require a specific fabric. - Any sort of small, unwearable pearl can be added to jewelry as if they were gemstones, instead of just the small number that could be retrieved from foraged mollusks. - Builder-made objects can now be set to have gemstones, inlays or rivets (spangles, studs, spikes). Select objects are having this added, and it will be a slow burn process to spread them evenly across the game. You can see if an object can have crafting upgrades added using the appraise command. - Shopkeepers can be set to load or buy objects of a certain composition, or from groups of compositions. Draak has changed a few other things: - Lag from woodcrafting, metallurgy and lapidary has been reduced. - You can manually shuck foraged clams, mussels and other bivalves to retrieve mother-of-pearl and possibly find pearls. - The semi-secret “pitch black” and “blood red” metals are now full fledged members of the metallurgy table, called “void metal” and “hematium”, respectively. - Many minerals have been restricted to a narrower range of terrains. This should make finding desired minerals easier, as the random pools from which minerals are chosen in any given terrain will be smaller. This will also affect the upcoming hunting skill, as it uses the mining terrain groups to determine where animals live. - Speaking of hunting, the capacity to use bait to lure animals has been added, so next we must finish coding the “fire” command to work with hunting in order to actually be able to kill and harvest animals. Also coming soon: - The flaming debuff will make mobs more vulnerable to blinding, and will negate their ability to use wisdom to defend against being stunned. This is bad news if they bleeding as well! - The potency of sharpness is being increased, and sleeping by a campfire will increase the onset of sharpness even more. - Shopkeeper services to add spikes/studs to weapons and armor. - More area enrichment on the starting islands and mainland to improve and update content. - Castle Ket nears completion, which will be a level 13 area on the island of Kordan. For more information, please refer to our latest Youtube update:
from Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for Nov 04, 23:

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Special thanks to Kartanna and Paigey for playing with me in a Halloween pk arena!

via Alter Aeon

Fathers Must Be Strong

from Alter Aeon