Saturday, May 11, 2024

Alter Aeon May 2024 Update

Happy May, everybody! It’s time for the Alter Aeon May 2024 Update! Our game is always growing, and as such we have a number of areas currently in development. These include: - Castle Ket, a level 13 area for the island of Kordan - Winnowing Hall, a level 15 area - The Hinterlands, a level 32 area for the continent of Atmir - The Cauldron, a level 40 area for the continent of Suboria - Port Crimsonia, a level 43 zone for the continent of Ramanek This, of course, is addition to our ongoing maintenance of fixing typos, squashing bugs and improving new features, thanks to our dedicated team of developers! Plans are in the works a new bonus class, a ‘brew warpaints’ skill for the warrior class, changes to make damage types a little more interesting, and a level 38 ‘defile’ skill for druids. In June we will be having the Summer Solstice Celebration, one of our bigger game events of the year. More details will be forthcoming in next month’s update! You can listen to our May Youtube update here:
from Alter Aeon

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