Sunday, May 16, 2021

Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon server updates for May 16, 21 From Draak:You can now set composition on clan doors. (Morpheus)You tell if a Font if unstable by looking at now, instead of having tocast identify on it.Chill touch now lowers saving normal. Multiple castings are required toget the full effect. This synergizes well with icebolt and frostbite.Scorch and chill touch no longer stick to FIRE type creatures.Static blast no longer sticks to ELETRICITY type creatures.Weather/sunset mode will no longer show the moon if it is overcast.Unstable Fonts are now be somewhat easier to dispel. (Stormwing)More work on dclient map icons, specifically to accomodate wandering mobsand when shopkeepers/teachers/priests are killed.Event announcements and the accompanying sounds should no longer showif you have the event channel off. If you can't see announcements withthe event channel on, try to flipping it off and on, as this involvedsome flagging widgetry. (Laurence)

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